Interested to learn about plasma & serum calprotectin at AACC 2023?

20. Jul 2023 | 5 min read

Interested to learn about plasma & serum calprotectin at AACC 2023?

Calprotectin in blood* - S100A8/A9 heterodimer in inflammation

Calprotectin in plasma and serum - a sensitive and early biomarker in detection of inflammation and inflammatory response in infections. if you want to learn more about this novel biomarker please visit us at booth #1100

Sensitive and early biomarker in inflammation and infection

Large amounts of stored calprotectin are released from neutrophils during inflammation. Its direct and fast upregulation in inflammation makes it a very sensitive and early biomarker. The concentrations of calprotectin in serum and plasma correspond to the degree of inflammation. Indications for its use have been reported in both infectious and non-infectious inflammatory conditions.1


Value of calprotectin in infections and inflammatory conditions

Calprotectin, a heterodimer of two calcium-binding proteins (S100A8/A9 or MRP8/14) belongs to the S100 protein family and is highly expressed by white blood cells, especially neutrophils. The biomarker is released from activated neutrophils during inflammation and upon bacterial infection, functioning both as an anti-microbial and pro-inflammatory protein.1

  • Detection and differentiation of bacterial infections
  • Assess and predict severity of infections
  • Follow disease activity and treatment response
  • Detect and predict relapse in remission


Poster at AACC - A-277

Health economic impact of use of GCAL calprotectin immunoassay for early detection of infection in intensive care patients**

Please visit us at the poster session Tuesday 1:30-2:30 pm.

The base-case scenario in this study identified GCAL® Calprotectin Immunoassay as cost-effective for a patient cohort presenting in a Swedish ICU. Compared to the comparators, GCAL® saves total costs, reduces the mean duration of in-patient care, and reduces in-hospital mortality in those patients. In the sensitivity analysis, when key model inputs are varied, GCAL® Calprotectin Immunoassay remains the dominant option.'

The GCAL® assay is not cleared for use in the USA.


Gentian Calprotectin GCAL® Immunoassay* - early access to accurate results

GCAL® is a Particle-Enhanced Turbidimetric Immunoassay (PETIA), the assay is rapidly performed in only 10 minutes. It is available on a wide range of clinical chemistry platforms.

The assay is not cleared for use in the USA. The assay is IVDR certified.


Get in touch with Gentian

Interested in plasma and serum calprotectin? Want to know more? Meet us at booth #1110 at AACC. Book a meeting by sending an email to or fill out the form below:



  1. Pruenster M, et al. Pharmacol Ther. 2016;167:120-31


* Gentian's plasma and serum calprotectin immunoassay is not cleared for use in the USA.

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** Authors: Markus Jaquemar1, Aleksandra Havelka1,2, Miklos Lipcsey3,4, Michael Hultström3,5, Anders Larsson6

1 Gentian AS, Moss, Norway, 2 Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 3 Department of Surgical Sciences, Anesthesiology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 4 Hedenstierna laboratory, Anesthesiology and Intensive care, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 5 Integrative Physiology, Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala, Sweden, 6 Department of Medical Sciences, Clinical Chemistry, Akademiska University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden.

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